Sunday 22 April 2012

Hi to anyone bored enough to read my blog, still getting used to all this bloggy stuff so not sure if this will get anywhere.I've had a LOVELY day ,I spent most of it pottering in my garden, I emptied my old kitchen sink and moved it to a new position next to my front door, tres tres heavy!!!I intend to put cottage garden plants in it.I WISH I lived in a cottage I'VE GOT ALL THE STUFF TO FILL ONE!!!All you ladies out there who are lucky enough to live in a cottage I am very envious,the nearest I get to one is visiting my sister in hers!Anyway on the Thursday market this week I will be looking for lovely old pots and things to put in the garden, may as well as the house,2 lofts the garage the spare room and the shed are FULL!!!I want to post some pictures but I CAN,T LOCATE MY CAMERA, DARN IT!!My long suffering hubby says everytime he asks where something is I always say "it's under the, whatever!!" you fellow hoarders, sorry collecters,know what I mean. Anyway I'll sign off for now,I can hear someone yawning!!! Just before I go has anyone else wanted to taste a lovely bit of compost? No? oh well just me then!Have a happy Monday, I will be thinking of Thursday, hope it is sunny, it makes buying so much more appealing doesn,t it?

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