Tuesday, 15 January 2013


Good afternoon, I have had the day off work to take my daughter to hospital to have her operation that she has been waiting for since October but it was cancelled!! So I have come into blogland to find comfort. I was sitting with the laptop looking out of the window and admiring my Viburnam with its pretty pink flowers and lovely scent, the snow has almost gone and the sun is shining,Spring is not far away!!
Photo doesn't do it justice!!!


  1. Hello Pam, wishing your daughter a speedy recovery and hurrying spring along too!

    Love Claire xxx

  2. Sorry to hear of the cancellation, that must be awful for your daughter to be all prepared for nothing. Good Wishes.

  3. I wish your daughter a speedy recovery Pam
    Spring is just around that corner
    Best wishes

  4. Well I had to pop over and take a peek and how lovely your house must be! I know what you mean about signs of Spring though - I have a pot of hyacinths in the kitchen and they despite the weather the scent reminds me that it's just around the corner x
